Slan go foill!
Today is my last day at work, where has the time gone? It does not feel like 6 weeks ago that I arrived here in Michigan. Well what can I say, this has been the best Summer ever! I have gained so much from my time in the States, both from my internship and time with Habitat for Humanity in Alabama. With regards to my internship, I am so grateful for the opportunity to watch and learn from both Ward and Mary and the rest of the Biddy Murphy team, I am now on my way to becoming a digital marketing pro! Ward and Mary are the kindest and most generous people and I am honoured to have stayed and worked with them. I experienced many new things throughout the duration of my trip, including 12 hour car journeys, exciting cities, shopping outlets and of course – Chipotle!
I am indebted to the Gahans for providing me with this life changing opportunity – it’s a Summer that I’ll never forget!
I will also miss “Mitchigan” as we say!
Slan slan – bye bye
(Also attached a picture of me enjoying myself outside the Capitol in D.C!)