Cedar Point
On Wednesday we crossed State lines again and travelled to Cedar Point in Ohio. I’m not the hugest fan of roller coasters, so I wasn’t feeling excited as much as I was feeling terrified! However, I went with the mentality, feel the fear and do it anyway! I exceeded my own expectations and went on every single roller coaster. Probably the proudest moment of my life! I’m renowned for being a big scaredy cat when it comes to heights and speed, so this was a huge deal for me!
However, this was not my first visit to Cedar Point. Five years ago I participated in a cross community program in Belfast called Ulster Project, which has a similar ethos to the project I am with now, except it focuses on 14-15 year old kids. I was based in Canton, Ohio with my Ulster Project group and from there I met 8 great Americans of the same age and got to know them very well throughout my month in Ohio. One of the children, Jake, even came over to visit us in Belfast the year after. Anyway, back to present day in Cedar Point. We were queuing up for the first ride (the Gatekeeper) and who do I see about 15 people ahead of us? You guessed it – Jake!!! What are the odds? After the ride I caught up with him and we had a mini reunion. We could both barely believe it! It was great to see him again, and he’s going to come back over and visit us in Belfast again soon. I reconnected with old friends and faced my fears! My day at Cedar Point was eventful to say the least!
Slán slán ! (Bye bye)